Sunday, February 5, 2012

See, Think, Wonder

What do you see?

What do you think?

What do you wonder?


Forest said...

I see a woman with a scroll. I think a man is trying to take the scroll. I wonder what the scroll says. What is so important about the scroll?

Bennett said...

I see words,a scroll,a little boy,and a hand.
I think that the man is trying to steel the scroll.
I wonder if the little guy is the president.

Edward said...

I see a soldier and an arm giving the soldier a note. I think the soldier is a president. I wonder what president it is.

Nelson said...

I see a man holding a note and someone is reaching to grab the note. I think the person is reaching to grab the note from the man. I wonder what the note says. I also wonder what does the person need the note for?

McRae said...

I see a lady, a hand, a shadow, a bow, words, authers name, and a book. I think that someone is secretly giving someone else the scroll. I wonder what the scroll is. Also, who are the people?

Fred said...

I see a solger,a scroll,a hat,a hand,boots,a shadow.
I think its a solger with a treaty,a president thinking,
a guy going into battle. I wonder if the guy reaching out is triying to hurt the guy with the scroll.

Malcolm said...

I see two shadows,a hand and a soildger. I think he is the presedent. I wonder if it's a girl.

Brooks said...

I see words in diferent founts.I see a picture that looks like a shadow.I see a man that looks like a solger. I think someone is trying to steal a scroll.I think the scroll is inportant.I wonder who the people are.I wonder what the scroll has on it.I wonder where they are.

william said...

I see the name Corey Ford,a arm,cursive writing,blue writing,and a scroll. I think the scroll is a treaty and a man is giving it to the president. I wonder who the people are and if the guy reaching out is trying to steeling the scroll.

John said...

I see a shadow, a person stealing a sheet. I think a person is giving a nother person a secret mesige. I wonder if the hand is a spy, if that isa british soilder.

Lawson said...

I see a shadow, a scroll, general Washington, and a hand. I think that it is George Washington the man is trying to steal the scroll. I wonder if the man is trying to steal the scroll.

Owen said...

I see a women holding book.I see a big showdow. I see a mangiving a scroll I Think the solger took the scroll from the mans hand.I Think this book was in1800. I Thinkthe scroll is a treiting. I wonder if that man is a british triang to get the scroll.I wonder if that is actuly a solder.

James said...

I see a soldier with a note behind his back.I think the arm is the preisdent's arm.I wonder if the man is giving the other man the paper to the other man

Clayton said...

I see a man with a scrol. I see a man takeing the scrol. I see words. I think it is a book about presadents. I think the guy takeing the scrol is a crook. I think he is nadwy. I wonder were they are. I wonder if they are spys. Or work for the oss. I wonder if some one was in war and passing the scrol to the other team.

Jake said...

I see someone giving a scroll to some one.I think he's a president,also a soldier. I think it's a book.I think the person behind him is a crook.I wonder who it is,also what the book is about.

Nicolas said...

I see a man taking a paper from someone else.
I think the man with the paper is George Washington.
I wonder if it's a good book?I wonder if the man
who's grabing the paper is a spy?