Friday, February 3, 2012

Mr. Popper's Penguins

Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater tells the unusual story of a man who dreams big about exploring the North and South Poles! In this book he is surprised to find a penguin delivered to his door one day and sets about making room for this penguin in his family's home. If you could adopt any odd pet, what would it be? How would you take care of this strange animal? What would you feed him ? What would it be like to own a _______?? Think about it and post your thoughts on our second blog post for the 2B Flying Pigs Blog in 2012!


McRae said...

I would like to adopt a rabbit. I would like it because it would be soft. Also, he wouldn't bite.

McRae said...

PS. I think Mr. Popper should take 100,000,000 dollars.

Bennett said...

I would get a flamingo.To keep the flamingo alive I would feed it shrimp and try to keep it pink.Thats what I would adoupt.

Lawson said...

I would own a snowleopeord. I would feed it meat. And I would really love having a snowleopeord. I think he should do the movie.

Brooks said...

If I could own an odd pet it would be a red panda. I would let it live in the trees.I would feed it fruit.I might be the first person to own a red panda. I think Mr.popper should keep the penguins and put them in the movie because the penguins would mess it up and it would be a funny movie.

Nelson said...

I would adopt a kangaroo because you could get on its back and ride on him. I think it would be hard to take care of a kangaroo because it might kick you. I think it would be fun to have a pet kangaroo because you could ride on its back. I think Mr. Popper should choose to be in a movie so they would get a lot of money and have a nice house.

Edward said...

I would get a rattle snake. I would feed it rats. I would take care of it by making it feel like it is in the desert.

I think Mr. Popper
should not send his
penguins off to the
north pole because
he should be with
his penguins.

James said...

I would get a Wolvarine.I would feed it meat and play with it all day.Mr.Popper would send them back to the North Pole. It has cost to much.

Owen said...

I would adopt a shark. I would feed him dead seeles for a snack. I would name him Snap Crackle Pop! I would let him go in the movies to be fames. I would teach him how to jumps,dives, and flips.
I think Mr. Popper should send them back to the North
Pole because in the summer it would be so hot

Bennett said...

I get a flamingo.To keep the flamingo alive I would feed it shrimp and try to keep it pink.I would keep it in a cage.I think Mr.Popper should do the movie because he could get paid more money.

William said...

For a odd pet I would like a hippo.I would feed him grass.I think Mr. Popper should put the penguins in a movie. I think he should because they are crazy!Which means they'd be rich! don't you agree?

Lawson said...

I think he should do the movie because he would become a millionare.

Fred said...

Mr. Popper should have stayed with them at the north pole.It would be easyer to stay ther because the pengins dont have to stay in the refrigrater. He could get free ice cream at the north pole but he has to bring flavors.

John said...

I would feed him korrettes. If I could adopt any pet it would be a sugar glider. I would trane my pet to glide and be safe.

Jake said...

I would get a trained snow leopard.I'd get it because I love the cat family. I would keep it outside.I would feed it meat.I think Mr. Popper should go to the north pole.

Fred said...

I would get a toucan.

John said...

I think he should do the play because he can be a 1'000 ar

Malcolm said...

I would have a Kangaroo. I would feed it grass. He could jump around all over. I think he should go to the North Pole and see other Penguins.

Clayton said...

If I could adopt any odd pet I would have a snow leperd. And I would feed him a gote. It would be awesome to own a snow leperd. Mr.popper should go to the soth pole with the pingwins because I would not turn douwn a famous person.

Nicolas said...

I would have a Mose.I would ceap him at a finced in
lakehouse.I would feed him grass.I would have fun
with a Mose.I think Mr.Poper should let them be in