Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tongue Twister Project- The Letter J!

Bdiaz's Show on PhotoPeach

The jolly, jubilant jellyfish jogged to the joyful jungle on a jittery journey to Jupiter.

What a great tongue twister! The 2B boys worked together to create this jazzy tongue twister and are illustrating it as part of our global collaboration on the "Tongue Twister " project. Students in 27 classes from California to New York, along with 3 international classes in Canada and Scotland, are working on their letter pages for a collaborative book of tongue twisters. The pages will soon be finished and mailed to the 26 other schools in our database, and we anticipate getting lots of mail from our partners on this project very soon! When the book is finished, every boy will bring it home to share with his family.